Jukola relay (16.06.2024)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Mäenpää - Kauhava
Arrangør: Lakia-Jukola (Wisa 1912, Virkiä 1907)
Land: Finland
Disiplin: Relay
Etappe: 4
Distanse: 10.71 km
Tid: 100:25
Fine when I started, overcast and 10 degrees later. Mostly a slow but steady run - no grid-searching errors but lost map contact on the way to no. 7 - I could relocate quite quickly off the powerlines (ca. -2 mins?) - and was wide of the circle a couple of times and slow approaching the circle a couple of times. Poor route choice to no. 19 (tracking everywhere else on the course but not down the vegetation border on that leg!)
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Jukola relay (16.06.2024) Jukola relay (16.06.2024)