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IFK Kiruna Map Archive

Welcome to the IFK Kiruna digital orienteering map archive!


Jméno Mapy Poslední mapa Datum Aktualizováno
Henry Barsk 1 Jukola 2015 str6 14.06.2015 24.06.2015 10:50
Niklas Barsk 3 Veckans bana v22 12.07.2015 12.07.2015 22:48
Mats Dahlberg 1 test 19.12.2009 22.03.2010 20:38
Mats Luspa 635 Älvsbyn Indoor Orientering Challenge 10.11.2024 11.11.2024 05:56
Rick McGregor 135 DM-medel Norrbotten 17.08.2024 24.08.2024 12:00
Conny Nilimaa 95 NOF-cup 1 varv 2 14.01.2023 15.01.2023 13:52
Hasse Ylipää 21 Träningsol HOK 16.07.2019 21.07.2019 19:46

Poslední mapy 10 | 20 | 50 | vše

Jméno Mapa Datum Kategorie Aktualizováno
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn Indoor Orientering Challenge 10.11.2024 Orienteering competition 11.11.2024 05:56
Mats Luspa Skogskarlsmästerskap för Norra Botten 05.10.2024 Orienteering competition 06.10.2024 19:40
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 28.09.2024 Orienteering competition 28.09.2024 23:35
Mats Luspa Natträning Varggropen 10.09.2024 Orienteering training 11.09.2024 07:41
Mats Luspa Klöverkavlen 01.09.2024 Orienteering competition 01.09.2024 20:51
Mats Luspa Träning 27.08.2024 Orienteering training 27.08.2024 20:35
Rick McGregor DM-medel Norrbotten 17.08.2024 Competition 24.08.2024 12:00
Mats Luspa WMOC Forest Qualification 06.08.2024 Orienteering competition 06.08.2024 18:30
Mats Luspa WMOC 2024 Sprint Q 03.08.2024 Orienteering competition 03.08.2024 15:32
Mats Luspa Model Event Sprint WMOC 02.08.2024 Orienteering training 02.08.2024 21:58
Rick McGregor Bergnäsets vårtävling lång 25.05.2024 Competition 18.07.2024 16:51
Rick McGregor Bergnäsets vårtävling medel 26.05.2024 Competition 18.07.2024 16:41
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event - Naturpassetuppstart 04.06.2024 Training event 18.07.2024 16:24
Rick McGregor Nationaldagsmedeln 06.06.2024 Competition 18.07.2024 16:09
Rick McGregor Jukola relay 16.06.2024 Competition 18.07.2024 15:50
Rick McGregor Renlunken 07.07.2024 Competition 15.07.2024 14:45
Mats Luspa Nukutus träning 02.07.2024 Orienteering training 02.07.2024 21:13
Mats Luspa Seskarö Jubileumstävling (50 år) 29.06.2024 Orienteering competition 29.06.2024 19:08
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 26.06.2024 Orienteering training 27.06.2024 20:45
Mats Luspa Paulujärvi 2024 22.06.2024 Orienteering training 22.06.2024 20:05
Mats Luspa Lakia-Jukola 15.06.2024 Orienteering competition 18.06.2024 19:28
Mats Luspa Nationaldagsmedeln 06.06.2024 Orienteering competition 06.06.2024 22:09
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 24.03.2024 SkiO competition 27.03.2024 20:55
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 23.03.2024 SkiO competition 27.03.2024 20:51
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 22.03.2024 SkiO competition 27.03.2024 20:45
Mats Luspa Seskarö Medel 17.03.2024 SkiO competition 17.03.2024 21:32
Mats Luspa Seskarö Sprint-DM 17.03.2024 SkiO competition 17.03.2024 21:20
Mats Luspa BAIK medel 02.03.2024 SkiO competition 16.03.2024 10:10
Mats Luspa Dundretfighten 18.02.2024 SkiO competition 16.03.2024 10:10
Rick McGregor Craigavon SummerNav 14.12.2023 Training event 14.12.2023 23:50
Rick McGregor Robinson Road training controls 08.12.2023 Training 10.12.2023 23:17
Rick McGregor SummerNav Cornwall Park 07.12.2023 Training event 08.12.2023 00:02
Mats Luspa Ensilumen Rastit 03.12.2023 Orienteering competition 03.12.2023 20:08
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 09.09.2023 Orienteering competition 09.09.2023 19:18
Mats Luspa Luossa träningsorientering 05.09.2023 Orienteering training 06.09.2023 20:51
Rick McGregor DM-stafett Norrbotten H115 06.08.2023 Competition 28.08.2023 15:30
Rick McGregor DM-natt Norrbotten 24.09.2022 Competition 28.08.2023 15:11
Rick McGregor BAIK hösttävling lång 27.08.2023 Competition 28.08.2023 13:31
Rick McGregor BAIK medel 26.08.2023 Competition 28.08.2023 13:18
Mats Luspa Bergnäsets AIK Hösttävlingar Långdistans H45 (DM) 27.08.2023 Orienteering competition 27.08.2023 18:51
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Kurravaara 22.08.2023 Orienteering training 22.08.2023 22:01
Mats Luspa Stafett-DM 06.08.2023 Orienteering competition 06.08.2023 22:14
Mats Luspa Långdistans-DM 05.08.2023 Orienteering competition 05.08.2023 14:57
Mats Luspa Paulujärvi-träning 26.07.2023 Orienteering training 26.07.2023 20:26
Mats Luspa Träning IFK Kiruna 04.07.2023 Orienteering training 05.07.2023 07:19
Mats Luspa Nationaldagsmedeln 06.06.2023 Orienteering competition 04.07.2023 15:06
Mats Luspa Tiomila-träning 19.05.2023 Orienteering training 19.05.2023 22:05
Mats Luspa NOF-Cup 12.03.2023 Orienteering competition 19.03.2023 17:13
Conny Nilimaa NOF-cup 1 varv 2 14.01.2023 Competition 15.01.2023 13:52
Conny Nilimaa NOF-cup 1 varv 1 14.01.2023 Competition 15.01.2023 13:47
Mats Luspa Paulujärvi Pilotbana 09.10.2022 Orienteering training 09.10.2022 20:57
Mats Luspa Skogskarlsmäterskap Norra Botten 01.10.2022 Orienteering competition 02.10.2022 19:06
Mats Luspa Varggropen natträning 20.09.2022 Orienteering training 20.09.2022 22:51
Mats Luspa DM Stafett 21.08.2022 Orienteering competition 21.08.2022 18:24
Mats Luspa Lång-DM 20.08.2022 Orienteering competition 20.08.2022 17:26
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 4 29.07.2022 Orienteering competition 02.08.2022 09:45
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 3 28.07.2022 Orienteering competition 02.08.2022 09:09
Mats Luspa OOCUP dag 2 18.07.2022 Orienteering competition 18.07.2022 17:26
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Medeldistans 03.07.2022 Orienteering competition 03.07.2022 22:50
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna - training Laxforsen/Utsikten 22.06.2022 Training event 22.06.2022 23:23
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna - Naturpasset - uppstart 02.06.2022 Training event 22.06.2022 23:24
Rick McGregor Lukkari-Jukola 19.06.2022 Competition 21.06.2022 22:29
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna - veckans bana 21.06.2022 Training 21.06.2022 22:21
Mats Luspa Träning Rymdcampus 14.06.2022 Orienteering training 15.06.2022 21:50
Conny Nilimaa Älvsbyn dag 2 29.05.2022 Competition 29.05.2022 22:39
Conny Nilimaa Älvsbyn dag 1 28.05.2022 Competition 29.05.2022 22:26
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM H50 05.03.2022 SkiO competition 05.03.2022 20:52
Mats Luspa Backcountry Naturpasskontrollintagning 29.01.2022 SkiO training 29.01.2022 20:25
Mats Luspa Backcountry extreme ski navigation 22.01.2022 SkiO training 23.01.2022 06:00
Rick McGregor Gärdet 04.09.2021 Training 17.10.2021 22:49
Rick McGregor Naturpasset Norra Djurgården 03.09.2021 Training 17.10.2021 22:45
Rick McGregor Cornwall Park evening event 19.12.2013 Training event 17.10.2021 22:39
Rick McGregor DM-natt Norrbotten 2018 22.09.2018 Competition 28.09.2021 17:34
Rick McGregor DM-sprint Norrbotten - higher resolution map 25.09.2021 Competition 28.09.2021 16:34
Rick McGregor DM-natt Norrbotten - higher resolution map 25.09.2021 Competition 28.09.2021 16:33
Rick McGregor DM-natt Norrbotten 25.09.2021 Competition 28.09.2021 16:22
Rick McGregor DM-sprint Norrbotten 25.09.2021 Competition 28.09.2021 16:18
Conny Nilimaa Sprint-DM 25.09.2021 Competition 27.09.2021 21:03
Conny Nilimaa Träningsorientering 14.09.2021 Training 17.09.2021 19:57
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 long final - closeup of errors 29.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 13:30
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 long final 29.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 13:29
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 long qualification 2 27.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 13:23
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 long qualification 1 26.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 13:16
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 Sprint final - GPS 24.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 12:56
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification - GPS 23.04.2017 Competition 17.09.2021 12:53
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint final 24.04.2017 Competition 16.09.2021 23:20
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification 23.04.2017 Competition 16.09.2021 23:03
Rick McGregor WMOC long final 12.07.2019 Competition 16.09.2021 21:15
Rick McGregor WMOC middle final 10.07.2019 Competition 16.09.2021 21:13
Rick McGregor WMOC forest qualification 09.07.2019 Competition 16.09.2021 21:11
Rick McGregor WMOC sprint final 07.07.2019 Competition 16.09.2021 21:07
Rick McGregor WMOC sprint qualification 06.07.2019 Competition 16.09.2021 21:03
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Höga Kusten Etapp 5 27.07.2018 Competition 15.09.2021 18:49
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Höga Kusten Etapp 4 25.07.2018 Competition 15.09.2021 18:47
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Höga Kusten, etapp 3 24.07.2018 Competition 15.09.2021 18:44
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Höga Kusten Etapp 2 23.07.2018 Competition 15.09.2021 18:00
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Höga Kusten Etapp 1 22.07.2018 Competition 15.09.2021 17:57
Rick McGregor DM ultralong Norrbotten 12.09.2021 Competition 14.09.2021 12:09
Rick McGregor DM medel Norrbotten 11.09.2021 Competition 14.09.2021 12:05
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Kolmården, etapp 5 27.07.2019 Competition 09.09.2021 17:22
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Kolmården, etapp 4 26.07.2019 Competition 09.09.2021 17:10
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Kolmården, etapp 3 25.07.2019 Competition 09.09.2021 16:58
Rick McGregor O-Ringen Kolmården etapp 2 23.07.2019 Competition 09.09.2021 17:01
Rick McGregor Nukutus träningsläger svart nivå 08.09.2021 Training 08.09.2021 15:47
Conny Nilimaa Träning 4:e kilometern 05.09.2021 Training 05.09.2021 21:27
Rick McGregor Norra Djurgården (norra) Naturpasset 06.04.2019 Training 30.08.2021 15:43
Rick McGregor Norra Djurgården (södra) Naturpasset 05.04.2019 Training 30.08.2021 15:40
Rick McGregor Napapiiri-Jukola, Rovaniemi 22.08.2021 Competition 26.08.2021 19:30
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training Varggropen 24.08.2021 Training event 24.08.2021 22:42
Conny Nilimaa Napapiiri-Jukola 2021 Rovaniemi str. 7 22.08.2021 Competition 24.08.2021 22:02
Rick McGregor DM medel Norrbotten 24.08.2019 Competition 24.08.2021 21:05
Rick McGregor DM Ultra Long, Piteå 25.08.2019 Competition 24.08.2021 21:05
Rick McGregor Älvsbyn vårtävling dag 2 (lång) 27.05.2018 Competition 23.08.2021 18:39
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training Kurravaara Norra 21.08.2018 Training event 23.08.2021 18:21
Rick McGregor Norrlandsmästerskap Long 10.08.2019 Competition 23.08.2021 17:52
Rick McGregor Norrlandsmästerskap Medel Älvsbyn 11.08.2019 Competition 23.08.2021 17:43
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna Abisko training 02.09.2018 Training event 23.08.2021 16:01
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event 17.08.2021 Training event 23.08.2021 15:44
Rick McGregor Moskojärvi Naturpasset 11.08.2021 Training 18.08.2021 21:40
Mats Luspa Träning IFK Kiruna 17.08.2021 Orienteering training 25.08.2021 07:40
Mats Luspa Norrbottens 5-dagars light etapp 3 29.07.2021 Orienteering competition 29.07.2021 18:27
Mats Luspa Norrbottens 5-dagars light etapp 2 27.07.2021 Orienteering competition 27.07.2021 15:35
Mats Luspa Särkitievat 7 km 22.07.2021 Orienteering training 25.07.2021 16:40
Conny Nilimaa Vittjärvs 2-dagars 11.07.2021 Competition 13.07.2021 13:45
Conny Nilimaa Vittjärvs 2-dagars 10.07.2021 Competition 13.07.2021 13:35
Mats Luspa Egen träning i Nirra 27.09.2020 Orienteering training 27.09.2020 19:01
Mats Luspa OK Sarven Avslutning 27.09.2020 Orienteering training 28.09.2020 07:37
Mats Luspa Sprint Järnvägsparken del 2 13.08.2020 Orienteering training 13.08.2020 20:51
Mats Luspa Sprint Järnvägsparken del 1 13.08.2020 Orienteering training 13.08.2020 20:50
Mats Luspa DM Medeldistans H50 15.03.2020 SkiO competition 15.03.2020 21:30
Conny Nilimaa Träning 15.09.2019 Training 16.09.2019 07:17
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 07.09.2019 Orienteering competition 08.09.2019 09:58
Conny Nilimaa NM medel 11.08.2019 Competition 13.08.2019 14:29
Conny Nilimaa NM lång 10.08.2019 Competition 13.08.2019 14:23
Conny Nilimaa NM sprint 09.08.2019 Competition 13.08.2019 14:17
Mats Luspa NM Medel 11.08.2019 Orienteering competition 11.08.2019 20:31
Mats Luspa NM Långdistans 10.08.2019 Orienteering competition 10.08.2019 16:37
Conny Nilimaa O-ringen Etapp 2 23.07.2019 Competition 23.07.2019 20:06
Conny Nilimaa O-ringen Etapp 1 22.07.2019 Competition 22.07.2019 20:48
Hasse Ylipää Träningsol HOK 16.07.2019 Training 21.07.2019 19:46
Mats Luspa Model Event WMOC 2019 05.07.2019 Orienteering training 05.07.2019 14:22
Mats Luspa D21 DM 1979 18.06.2019 Orienteering training 21.06.2019 17:01
Hasse Ylipää Iltarastit 20.06.2019 Competition 22.06.2019 12:17
Mats Luspa Kurravaara 11.06.2019 Orienteering training 11.06.2019 21:52
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 1 08.06.2019 Orienteering competition 08.06.2019 18:12
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS vårtävling medeldistans 02.06.2019 Orienteering competition 02.06.2019 19:47
Hasse Ylipää Motionsorientering 16.05.2019 Competition 20.05.2019 17:43
Hasse Ylipää Träningsorientering 01.05.2019 Competition 03.05.2019 22:03
Hasse Ylipää 22.03.2019 Competition 25.03.2019 15:33
Hasse Ylipää WMOC Medel dag 2 Piteå 24.03.2019 Competition 25.03.2019 09:32
Mats Luspa Veteran-VM Medeldistans 2 H50 / WMSOC Middle 2 M50 24.03.2019 SkiO competition 24.03.2019 22:12
Mats Luspa Veteran-VM H50 Medeldistans 1 / WMSOC M50 Middle 1 22.03.2019 SkiO competition 22.03.2019 22:51
Mats Luspa OK Sarven närtävling 17.03.2019 Local SkiO competition 18.03.2019 09:44
Hasse Ylipää DM sprint 10.02.2019 Competition 11.02.2019 21:11
Hasse Ylipää DM Ok Renen (Alvik) medel 09.02.2019 Competition 11.02.2019 21:09
Mats Luspa DM H50 Sprint 10.02.2019 SkiO competition 10.02.2019 19:16
Hasse Ylipää Skido lång 06.01.2019 Competition 09.01.2019 19:57
Hasse Ylipää Ainiovaara sprint 05.01.2019 Competition 09.01.2019 19:51
Mats Luspa Arvidsjaur träning 06.10.2018 Orienteering training 08.10.2018 15:14
Mats Luspa Idrottens dag/1k Nybörjare 19.09.2018 Orienteering training 20.09.2018 12:06
Mats Luspa Medel-DM 25.08.2018 Orienteering competition 25.08.2018 17:23
Mats Luspa Kurravaara träning 21.08.2018 Orienteering training 21.08.2018 21:38
Rick McGregor Esrange training on last week's controls 09.08.2018 Training 09.08.2018 17:41
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event 26.06.2018 Training event 09.08.2018 17:37
Rick McGregor Renlunken 02.06.2018 Competition 09.08.2018 17:32
Rick McGregor Älvsbyn Vårtävling 27.05.2018 Competition 09.08.2018 17:06
Mats Luspa Model Event WMOC Middle 09.07.2018 Orienteering training 09.07.2018 15:03
Mats Luspa Sprint C-final H50 WMOC2018 08.07.2018 Orienteering competition 08.07.2018 22:54
Mats Luspa Model event WMOC 06.07.2018 Orienteering training 06.07.2018 22:48
Mats Luspa Egen träning 02.07.2018 Orienteering training 02.07.2018 17:18
Conny Nilimaa Jukola str. 7 17.06.2018 Competition 20.06.2018 11:16
Rick McGregor Lahti-Hollola Jukola 2018 17.06.2018 Competition 18.06.2018 21:41
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 10.06.2018 Orienteering competition 10.06.2018 17:47
Mats Luspa Raketsprinten 29.05.2018 Orienteering training 30.05.2018 14:29
Conny Nilimaa Älvsbyn vårtävling dag 2 27.05.2018 Competition 28.05.2018 16:41
Conny Nilimaa Älvsby vårtävling dag 1 26.05.2018 Competition 28.05.2018 16:36
Conny Nilimaa BAIK Vårtävling 20.05.2018 Competition 22.05.2018 15:38
Conny Nilimaa BAIK Vårtävling 19.05.2018 Competition 22.05.2018 15:30
Conny Nilimaa Sprintcupen Gammelstad 18.05.2018 Competition 22.05.2018 15:23
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Sprint H50 30.03.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa SkidO Medel BAIK 25.03.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa SkidO-DM Medel BAIK H50 25.03.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM H50 Skidorientering 10.03.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa SkidO Medel H45 BBK/WIK 10.02.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:46
Mats Luspa SkidO Sprint H45 BBK/WIK 10.02.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:46
Mats Luspa Skidorientering Övertorneå Sprint 07.01.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:46
Conny Nilimaa DM Medel H40 26.08.2017 Competition 28.08.2017 17:08
Conny Nilimaa DM Ultralång H40 27.08.2017 Competition 28.08.2017 17:08
Rick McGregor Abisko Naturpasset 19.08.2017 Training 22.08.2017 17:31
Rick McGregor IRF Kiruna training event 15.08.2017 Training event 22.08.2017 17:28
Rick McGregor Training event IFK Kiruna 07.09.2016 Training event 09.08.2017 17:40
Rick McGregor Training event IFK Kiruna 15.09.2016 Training event 09.08.2017 17:37
Rick McGregor Upplandsfinalen 02.10.2016 Competition 09.08.2017 17:31
Rick McGregor Skogskarlsmatch i Sigtuna 01.10.2016 Competition 09.08.2017 17:25
Rick McGregor Training event Gällivare 07.08.2017 Training event 09.08.2017 14:34
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event 20.06.2017 Training event 09.08.2017 11:21
Mats Luspa OK Sarven träningsorientering 31.07.2017 Orienteering training 31.07.2017 20:25
Mats Luspa Koillisman Rastipävät H21 middle day 1 Training 25.07.2017 Orienteering training 07.08.2017 08:03
Mats Luspa Koillisman Rastipäivät H21 Training 24.07.2017 Orienteering training 24.07.2017 19:21
Mats Luspa Koillisman Rastipäivät 20170723 23.07.2017 Orienteering competition 23.07.2017 18:14
Mats Luspa Egen tr Kurravaara 10.07.2017 Orienteering training 10.07.2017 19:09
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 3 01.07.2017 Orienteering competition 05.07.2017 22:41
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 2 29.06.2017 Orienteering competition 30.06.2017 09:08
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 1 28.06.2017 Orienteering competition 30.06.2017 09:10
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi Korridor 26.06.2017 Orienteering training 26.06.2017 20:09
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 1, Medel 10.06.2017 Orienteering competition 10.06.2017 18:57
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens träningsorientering 05.06.2017 Orienteering training 05.06.2017 22:42
Conny Nilimaa Lapin Lumirastit Medel 26.03.2017 Competition 29.05.2017 19:31
Conny Nilimaa Lapin Lumirastit Ultralång 25.03.2017 Competition 29.05.2017 19:29
Conny Nilimaa Lapin Lumirastit Sprint 24.03.2017 Competition 29.05.2017 19:28
Conny Nilimaa Skigo cup Boden Lång Del 2 18.03.2017 Competition 29.05.2017 19:25
Conny Nilimaa Skigo cup Boden Lång Del 1 18.03.2017 Competition 29.05.2017 19:24
Mats Luspa Älvsby IF OK dag 2 21.05.2017 Orienteering competition 22.05.2017 14:57
Mats Luspa Älvsby IF OK dag1 20.05.2017 Orienteering competition 22.05.2017 08:32
Mats Luspa Skigo Cup Boden Medel 19.03.2017 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:49
Mats Luspa Loppiaishisut 07.01.2017 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:48
Mats Luspa Skidorienteringsträning Matto 28.12.2016 SkiO training 08.01.2019 12:14
Mats Luspa Veckans bana Hellasgården 20160901-20160914 23.09.2016 Orienteering training 24.09.2016 20:40
Mats Luspa Veckans bana Hellasgården 20160914-20160928 21.09.2016 Orienteering training 24.09.2016 09:23
Rick McGregor Nukutus - trimkontroller 03.09.2016 Training 05.09.2016 17:01
Mats Luspa Träning 30.08.2016 Orienteering training 31.08.2016 13:29
Rick McGregor Matojärvi training event 30.08.2016 Training event 31.08.2016 11:21
Mats Luspa Långdistanskval 1, WMOC 2016 10.08.2016 Orienteering competition 11.08.2016 15:05
Mats Luspa WMOC 2016 Sprintfinal 08.08.2016 Orienteering competition 09.08.2016 05:58
Mats Luspa WMOC 2016 Sprintkval 07.08.2016 Orienteering competition 07.08.2016 19:04
Mats Luspa Model Event Sprint WMOC 2016 Tallinn 06.08.2016 Orienteering training 06.08.2016 20:00
Mats Luspa Riktningsträning 27.07.2016 Orienteering training 27.07.2016 18:41
Mats Luspa Korridor Laxforsen 17.07.2016 Orienteering training 17.07.2016 17:04
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars medel H21E 09.07.2016 Orienteering competition 09.07.2016 19:47
Mats Luspa Kurvbild Kalixfors 05.07.2016 Orienteering training 06.07.2016 12:16
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 2016 19.06.2016 Competition 01.07.2016 16:21
Rick McGregor Abisko training event 25.06.2016 Training event 01.07.2016 16:08
Mats Luspa Veckans bana Hellas 28.06.2016 Orienteering training 28.06.2016 22:01
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event Kurravaara Norra 21.06.2016 Training event 22.06.2016 16:42
Mats Luspa Kurravaara 21.06.2016 Orienteering training 21.06.2016 20:32
Rick McGregor Lappee-Jukola 2016 19.06.2016 Competition 21.06.2016 13:56
Rick McGregor Rymdcampus OL 14.06.2016 Training event 16.06.2016 17:09
Conny Nilimaa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 2 12.06.2016 Competition 15.06.2016 18:38
Conny Nilimaa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 1 11.06.2016 Competition 15.06.2016 18:31
Conny Nilimaa Renlunken 29.05.2016 Competition 15.06.2016 18:15
Conny Nilimaa Renlunken 28.05.2016 Competition 15.06.2016 18:08
Rick McGregor Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 2016, Day 2 12.06.2016 Competition 13.06.2016 22:40
Rick McGregor Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 2016, Day 1 11.06.2016 Competition 13.06.2016 22:35
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 1 11.06.2016 Orienteering competition 13.06.2016 12:00
Mats Luspa Träning Moskoj 05.06.2016 Orienteering training 05.06.2016 18:18
Mats Luspa Kurvbild Laxforsen 01.06.2016 Orienteering training 02.06.2016 16:32
Mats Luspa Renlunken Medeldistans 29.05.2016 Orienteering competition 29.05.2016 19:21
Rick McGregor Älvbyn Lång H55 22.05.2016 Competition 24.05.2016 13:55
Rick McGregor Älvbyn Medel H55 21.05.2016 Competition 24.05.2016 13:47
Rick McGregor Boden training run 20.05.2016 Training 24.05.2016 13:35
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn vårtävling Medeldistans 21.05.2016 Orienteering competition 22.05.2016 19:17
Mats Luspa 20.05.2016 Orienteering training 20.05.2016 22:52
Rick McGregor Oslo streets 01.05.2016 Training 04.05.2016 11:22
Rick McGregor Uppsala - Flogsta 28.04.2016 Training 04.05.2016 11:16
Conny Nilimaa Veteran-SM SkidO H40 20.03.2016 Competition 24.03.2016 15:06
Conny Nilimaa Veteran-SM SkidO H40 19.03.2016 Competition 24.03.2016 14:48
Mats Luspa Veteran-SM SkidO H45 Sprint 19.03.2016 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:50
Conny Nilimaa Skigo Cup 24.01.2016 Competition 25.01.2016 12:00
Conny Nilimaa Skigo Cup 23.01.2016 Competition 25.01.2016 11:58
Mats Luspa OK Renen SkidO dag 1 23.01.2016 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:49
Mats Luspa Gammal bana Kalixfors från 20090624 18.10.2015 Orienteering training 18.10.2015 14:15
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi gammal bana 11.10.2015 Orienteering training 11.10.2015 18:46
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day 2015, day 6 08.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 15:59
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day 2015, day 4 06.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 15:53
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day 2015, day 3 05.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 15:46
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day 2015, day 2 03.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 15:42
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day 2015, day 1 02.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 14:31
Rick McGregor Scottish 6 Day, day 5 07.08.2015 Competition 15.08.2015 14:15
Mats Luspa Kalixfors träning Skogssprint 13.08.2015 Orienteering training 13.08.2015 11:47
Mats Luspa Finska fjällorienteringen dag 2 02.08.2015 Orienteering competition 03.08.2015 09:17
Mats Luspa Bergens IF:s Naturpass i Soutujärvi 23.07.2015 Orienteering training 24.07.2015 16:20
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 6 07.08.1999 Competition 15.07.2015 00:30
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 5 06.08.1999 Competition 15.07.2015 00:23
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 4 05.08.1999 Competition 15.07.2015 00:16
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 3 03.08.1999 Competition 15.07.2015 00:10
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 2 01.08.1999 Competition 15.07.2015 00:03
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 1 31.07.1999 Competition 14.07.2015 23:58
Niklas Barsk Veckans bana v22 12.07.2015 Training 12.07.2015 22:48
Mats Luspa Laxforsen korridor 12.07.2015 Orienteering training 12.07.2015 17:04
Mats Luspa Egen träning / Moskojärvi korridor 08.07.2015 Orienteering training 08.07.2015 16:34
Rick McGregor Midnattsolgaloppen Day 3 05.07.2015 Competition 06.07.2015 14:26
Rick McGregor Midnattsolgaloppen Day 2 04.07.2015 Competition 06.07.2015 14:28
Rick McGregor Midnattsolgaloppen Day 1 03.07.2015 Competition 06.07.2015 14:11
Mats Luspa Lyngens 3-dagars dag 3 / Midnattsolsgaloppen dag 3 05.07.2015 Orienteering competition 05.07.2015 21:38
Mats Luspa Lyngen 3 dagars dag 2 / Midnattsolsgaloppen dag 2 04.07.2015 Orienteering competition 04.07.2015 21:38
Mats Luspa Lyngen 3-dagars dag 1 / Midnattsolsgaloppen dag 1 03.07.2015 Orienteering competition 04.07.2015 11:33
Niklas Barsk Veckans bana v25 03.07.2015 Training 03.07.2015 21:36
Rick McGregor Kurravaara 30.06.2015 Training event 01.07.2015 10:57
Mats Luspa Kurravaara träningsorientering 30.06.2015 Orienteering training 21.06.2016 10:34
Mats Luspa BBK Medel 28.06.2015 Orienteering competition 28.06.2015 19:08
Mats Luspa BBK Lång 27.06.2015 Orienteering competition 27.06.2015 21:53
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event Laxforsen 23.06.2015 Training event 24.06.2015 16:51
Henry Barsk Jukola 2015 str6 14.06.2015 Competition 24.06.2015 10:50
Rick McGregor Louna-Jukola 14.06.2015 Competition 23.06.2015 17:40
Rick McGregor Jukola 2015 model map 13.06.2015 Training 23.06.2015 17:31
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event 17.06.2015 Training event 23.06.2015 17:28
Conny Nilimaa Jukola sträcka 7 14.06.2015 Competition 22.06.2015 16:18
Conny Nilimaa Renlunken 31.05.2015 Competition 22.06.2015 15:37
Mats Luspa Kalixfors egen träning 21.06.2015 Orienteering training 21.06.2015 15:22
Niklas Barsk Jukola 2015 sträcka 2 14.06.2015 Competition 21.06.2015 10:42
Rick McGregor Luspavaara contour-only 04.06.2015 Training event 05.06.2015 19:59
Mats Luspa Brunbild + korridor 04.06.2015 Orienteering training 05.06.2015 11:04
Mats Luspa Renlunken, medel 30.05.2015 Orienteering competition 01.06.2015 08:46
Conny Nilimaa Renlunken 30.05.2015 Competition 30.05.2015 15:09
Rick McGregor Tiomila Open Course (leg 2 from Damkaveln) 10.05.2015 Competition 13.05.2015 18:31
Rick McGregor Tiomila Open Course 8 09.05.2015 Competition 13.05.2015 18:28
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap 22.03.2015 Competition 23.03.2015 20:13
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap samt DM, Norrbotten - del 2 21.03.2015 Competition 23.03.2015 20:04
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap samt DM, Norrbotten - del 1 21.03.2015 Competition 23.03.2015 20:05
Mats Luspa Patrullen 04.10.2014 Orienteering competition 07.10.2014 17:42
Rick McGregor OK Linné 25-manna training 18.09.2014 Training event 24.09.2014 14:36
Mats Luspa Rogaining Avslutning 18.09.2014 Orienteering training 19.09.2014 16:40
Rick McGregor IRF-runt track 08.09.2014 Training 16.09.2014 14:40
Rick McGregor Luossa trim-OL 06.09.2014 Training 16.09.2014 14:40
Mats Luspa Korridororientering Luossa 04.09.2014 Orienteering training 11.09.2014 13:57
Mats Luspa Träning Luossa 07.08.2014 Orienteering training 08.09.2014 07:20
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 31.07.2014 Orienteering competition 06.08.2014 17:23
Mats Luspa Fin5 Välipäivän Rastit A1 10.07.2014 Orienteering competition 12.07.2014 14:05
Mats Luspa Fin5 Öppen bana A Pitkä 09.07.2014 Orienteering competition 12.07.2014 12:35
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Dag2 Långdistans 06.07.2014 Orienteering competition 12.07.2014 12:30
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Dag 1/DM Medeldistans 05.07.2014 Orienteering competition 12.07.2014 12:33
Rick McGregor Laxforsen training event 03.07.2014 Training event 04.07.2014 12:47
Mats Luspa Laxforsen träning 03.07.2014 Orienteering training 12.07.2014 13:06
Rick McGregor Kurravaara-OL 25.06.2014 Training event 27.06.2014 15:49
Mats Luspa Kurravaara N träning 25.06.2014 Orienteering training 04.07.2014 08:31
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi teknik 21.06.2014 Orienteering training 25.06.2014 20:19
Mats Luspa Laxforsen korridor 20.06.2014 Orienteering training 20.06.2014 16:36
Mats Luspa Luossavaara träning 18.06.2014 Orienteering training 19.06.2014 20:28
Rick McGregor Kuopio-Jukola 2014 15.06.2014 Competition 17.06.2014 11:54
Rick McGregor Jukola 2014 model map 14.06.2014 Training 17.06.2014 11:44
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 15.06.2014 Competition 16.06.2014 16:57
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna Jukola training 10.06.2014 Training event 11.06.2014 11:50
Conny Nilimaa Polarvåren 01.06.2014 Competition 07.06.2014 10:19
Conny Nilimaa Polarvåren 31.05.2014 Competition 07.06.2014 10:14
Conny Nilimaa Silva League 25.05.2014 Competition 07.06.2014 10:02
Conny Nilimaa Silva League 24.05.2014 Competition 07.06.2014 09:52
Conny Nilimaa Silva League 23.05.2014 Competition 07.06.2014 09:50
Rick McGregor Polarvåren 01.06.2014 Competition 04.06.2014 12:58
Rick McGregor Polarvåren 31.05.2014 Competition 04.06.2014 12:56
Mats Luspa Älvsby IF, Polarvåren, Långdistans 01.06.2014 Orienteering competition 01.06.2014 20:28
Rick McGregor Silva League Long, Luleå 25.05.2014 Competition 27.05.2014 09:46
Rick McGregor Silva League Middle, Luleå 24.05.2014 Competition 27.05.2014 09:46
Mats Luspa Silva League, H45, Långdistans 25.05.2014 Orienteering competition 26.05.2014 19:58
Mats Luspa Träning Boden på O-Ringen etapp 1-kartan 23.05.2014 Orienteering training 24.05.2014 18:46
Rick McGregor Uppsalamötet 26.04.2014 Competition 28.04.2014 15:50
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Ultra del 2 30.03.2014 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:51
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Ultra del 1 30.03.2014 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:50
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 29.03.2014 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:50
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Sprint 28.03.2014 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:50
Conny Nilimaa SkidO DM Medel + Skigo Cup 6 Del 2 09.02.2014 Competition 03.03.2014 19:56
Conny Nilimaa SkidO DM Medel + Skigo Cup 6 Del 1 09.02.2014 Competition 03.03.2014 19:47
Conny Nilimaa SkidO DM Lång + Skigo Cup 5 Del 2 08.02.2014 Competition 03.03.2014 19:36
Mats Luspa Orienteringsavslutning poängorientering 17.09.2013 Orienteering training 18.09.2013 06:42
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 2 13.09.2013 Orienteering competition 14.09.2013 08:33
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 1 13.09.2013 Orienteering competition 14.09.2013 08:28
Mats Luspa Luossa-Nukutus 10.09.2013 Orienteering training 10.09.2013 20:51
Mats Luspa Luossavaara träning 03.09.2013 Orienteering training 03.09.2013 22:01
Mats Luspa Nattorientering på Naturpasskontroller 31.08.2013 Orienteering training 31.08.2013 23:27
Mats Luspa Korridor Nukutus 28.08.2013 Orienteering training 30.08.2013 22:33
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap Lång 11.08.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 19:55
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap Medel 10.08.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 19:35
Conny Nilimaa Norrlandsmästerskap Sprint 09.08.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 19:29
Conny Nilimaa Oringen 2013 Etapp 5 26.07.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 19:14
Conny Nilimaa Oringen 2013 Etapp 4 25.07.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 17:48
Conny Nilimaa Oringen 2013 Etapp 3 24.07.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 17:41
Conny Nilimaa Oringen 2013 Etapp 2 22.07.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 17:34
Conny Nilimaa Oringen 2013 Etapp 1 21.07.2013 Competition 17.08.2013 17:22
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-DM H21 03.08.2013 Orienteering competition 04.08.2013 08:07
Mats Luspa Teknikträning Moskojärvi 28.07.2013 Orienteering training 28.07.2013 21:08
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 4, H45 25.07.2013 Orienteering competition 27.07.2013 10:34
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 3, H45 24.07.2013 Orienteering competition 24.07.2013 20:48
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 2 H45 22.07.2013 Orienteering competition 23.07.2013 08:54
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 1 H45 21.07.2013 Orienteering competition 22.07.2013 18:32
Rick McGregor Almbyträffen, Örebro 19.05.2013 Competition 19.07.2013 14:22
Mats Luspa Orienteringsträning Bergens IF 18.07.2013 Orienteering training 19.07.2013 07:37
Mats Luspa OK Renen Medeldistans 16.07.2013 Orienteering competition 18.07.2013 12:11
Rick McGregor Polarsommaren 14.07.2013 Competition 14.04.2014 15:16
Mats Luspa Egen träning 15.07.2013 Orienteering training 15.07.2013 12:06
Mats Luspa Polarsommaren 14.07.2013 Orienteering competition 14.07.2013 18:11
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi Bergens IF träning 11.07.2013 Orienteering competition 11.07.2013 22:51
Mats Luspa Träning Kalixfors 08.07.2013 Orienteering training 08.07.2013 15:17
Mats Luspa Midnattsolsgaloppen dag 1 29.06.2013 Orienteering competition 01.07.2013 08:28
Mats Luspa Test av ny terräng 23.06.2013 Orienteering training 23.06.2013 13:51
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 2013 16.06.2013 Competition 18.06.2013 14:43
Rick McGregor Jukola 2013 16.06.2013 Competition 19.06.2013 15:21
Mats Luspa Jukola Sträcka 3 16.06.2013 Orienteering competition 18.06.2013 15:27
Conny Nilimaa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 09.06.2013 Competition 10.06.2013 16:15
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 08.06.2013 Orienteering competition 09.06.2013 15:34
Mats Luspa Polarvåren förkortad långdistans 26.05.2013 Orienteering competition 27.05.2013 20:59
Mats Luspa Vårvändan Långdistans 19.05.2013 Orienteering competition 20.05.2013 20:54
Conny Nilimaa Vårvändan 19.05.2013 Competition 20.05.2013 07:32
Conny Nilimaa Vårvändan 18.05.2013 Competition 20.05.2013 07:22
Mats Luspa Skogsåträning 17.05.2013 Orienteering training 17.05.2013 22:21
Hasse Ylipää DM lång Älvsbyn 10.03.2013 Competition 10.03.2013 18:15
Hasse Ylipää Skidol 05.01.2013 Training 05.01.2013 15:49
Conny Nilimaa Orienteringsträning 23.08.2012 Training 25.09.2012 00:11
Conny Nilimaa Orienteringsavslutning 20.09.2012 Training 23.09.2012 23:46
Mats Luspa Nukutus träning 14.09.2012 Orienteering training 08.10.2013 08:57
Mats Luspa Träning 06.09.2012 Orienteering training 07.09.2012 11:02
Hasse Ylipää 01.09.2012 Competition 02.09.2012 19:58
Hasse Ylipää Natt DM 01.09.2012 Competition 02.09.2012 19:32
Mats Luspa Lång-KM 23.08.2012 Local orienteering competition 24.05.2017 15:38
Hasse Ylipää DM Budkavle i Skellefteå 19.08.2012 Competition 19.08.2012 20:12
Mats Luspa Sprint-NM 10.08.2012 Orienteering competition 11.08.2012 09:16
Mats Luspa Medel-DM 04.08.2012 Orienteering competition 04.08.2012 19:03
Mats Luspa Egen träning 30.07.2012 Orienteering training 30.07.2012 15:38
Mats Luspa Egen träning 28.07.2012 Orienteering training 28.07.2012 17:25
Mats Luspa Egen träning 17.07.2012 Orienteering training 17.07.2012 16:35
Mats Luspa Ultralång (egen träning) 14.07.2012 Orienteering training 14.07.2012 22:42
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars långdistans 08.07.2012 Orienteering competition 08.07.2012 19:50
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars medeldistans 07.07.2012 Orienteering competition 08.07.2012 19:51
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Bergens IF 05.07.2012 Orienteering training 06.07.2012 11:15
Mats Luspa Egen träning 30.06.2012 Orienteering training 30.06.2012 20:42
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 17.06.2012 Competition 28.06.2012 22:29
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Moskojärvi 28.06.2012 Orienteering training 28.06.2012 22:01
Mats Luspa Egen träning 24.06.2012 Orienteering training 24.06.2012 14:49
Mats Luspa Egen träning 23.06.2012 Orienteering training 23.06.2012 21:46
Mats Luspa Medel-KM 21.06.2012 Local orienteering competition 24.06.2012 22:48
Rick McGregor Jukola 2012 17.06.2012 Competition 20.06.2012 17:43
Conny Nilimaa Närtävling Abisko 10.06.2012 Training 10.06.2012 22:12
Mats Luspa Abisko närtävling 10.06.2012 Local orienteering competition 21.06.2012 21:59
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät Övertorneå 09.06.2012 Orienteering competition 10.06.2012 18:18
Conny Nilimaa Träning Leppäkoski 31.05.2012 Training 01.06.2012 23:47
Mats Luspa Döla 2-dagars etapp 2 26.05.2012 Orienteering competition 28.05.2012 19:22
Conny Nilimaa Døla 2-dagers, dag 2 26.05.2012 Competition 28.05.2012 19:17
Mats Luspa Döla 2-dagars etapp 1 25.05.2012 Orienteering competition 28.05.2012 19:11
Conny Nilimaa Døla 2-dagers, dag 1 25.05.2012 Competition 28.05.2012 19:11
Mats Luspa Kurravaara träning 24.05.2012 Orienteering training 25.05.2012 14:34
Mats Luspa Pello Lapin Lumirastit Middle H40 09.04.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:52
Mats Luspa Ultralong FinskaM H40 08.04.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 12:06
Mats Luspa Ultralång-SM SkidO del 1 25.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:52
Mats Luspa Ultralång-SM del 2 25.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:52
Mats Luspa Ultralång-SM del 3 25.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:52
Mats Luspa Ultralång-SM del 4 25.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:52
Hasse Ylipää Skid ol Tävling 18.03.2012 Competition 18.03.2012 20:01
Mats Luspa Skigo Cup/Lilla VM 04.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:51
Mats Luspa Skigo Cup (Lilla VM), Malmberget 03.03.2012 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:51
Hasse Ylipää SkidO Keminmaa 07.01.2012 Competition 08.01.2012 21:23
Hasse Ylipää Östra natt serie 07.10.2011 Competition 08.10.2011 14:14
Mats Luspa Raket-ol 25.09.2011 Orienteering training 25.09.2011 22:36
Hasse Ylipää Torneå Stads-OL 21.09.2011 Training 22.09.2011 12:57
Mats Luspa Orienteringsavslutning gemensam start 15.09.2011 Local orienteering competition 22.09.2011 12:30
Hasse Ylipää Sekarö träning 26.05.2011 Training 22.09.2011 12:11
Mats Luspa Abisko träning 06.06.2011 Local orienteering competition 15.09.2011 22:42
Mats Luspa IFK Kiruna KM Lång 01.09.2011 Local orienteering competition 15.09.2011 22:41
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-KM 08.09.2011 Local orienteering competition 15.09.2011 22:41
Conny Nilimaa IFK Kiruna KM Lång 01.09.2011 Training 02.09.2011 12:08
Mats Luspa Bergens IF träning 20.06.2011 Orienteering training 30.08.2011 22:56
Mats Luspa DM stafett str 3 28.08.2011 Orienteering competition 29.08.2011 12:14
Mats Luspa DM stafett str 1 28.08.2011 Orienteering competition 28.08.2011 22:27
Mats Luspa DM Långdistans 27.08.2011 Orienteering competition 28.08.2011 21:42
Mats Luspa Bergens IF träning 24.08.2011 Orienteering training 26.08.2011 17:03
Mats Luspa NNM Stafett 14.08.2011 Orienteering competition 15.08.2011 12:11
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskap sprint 12.08.2011 Orienteering competition 15.08.2011 11:31
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskap långdistans 13.08.2011 Orienteering competition 15.08.2011 11:00
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 07.08.2011 Orienteering competition 09.08.2011 12:36
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-DM 06.08.2011 Orienteering competition 07.08.2011 23:31
Mats Luspa ACO Rovaniemi 30.07.2011 Orienteering competition 01.08.2011 13:32
Mats Luspa ACO Rovaniemi 31.07.2011 Orienteering competition 01.08.2011 13:31
Mats Luspa Egen 04.07.2011 Orienteering training 04.07.2011 22:06
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 12.06.2011 Orienteering competition 22.06.2011 20:09
Rick McGregor Jukola 2011 19.06.2011 Competition 22.06.2011 15:57
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 2011 19.06.2011 Competition 20.06.2011 17:13
Mats Luspa Sprint-KM 19.05.2011 Orienteering competition 30.05.2011 22:29
Mats Luspa Vårvändan, Medeldistans 28.05.2011 Orienteering competition 30.05.2011 22:26
Mats Luspa Vårvändan, Långdistans 29.05.2011 Orienteering competition 30.05.2011 22:21
Conny Nilimaa Vårvändan 28.05.2011 Competition 30.05.2011 17:13
Conny Nilimaa Vårvändan 29.05.2011 Competition 30.05.2011 16:58
Mats Luspa Luspavaara medeldistans 26.05.2011 Orienteering training 27.05.2011 13:56
Conny Nilimaa Träning 26.05.2011 Training 27.05.2011 01:20
Conny Nilimaa Sprint-KM 19.05.2011 Training 20.05.2011 13:55
Mats Luspa Skartur i Aptasområdet 04.05.2011 SkiO training 08.01.2019 12:00
Mats Luspa Skigo Cup Lilla VM 2011 05.03.2011 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:53
Mats Luspa Orienteringsavslutning gemensam start 09.09.2010 Local orienteering competition 11.09.2010 09:55
Conny Nilimaa Träning 10.09.2010 Training 10.09.2010 10:44
Mats Luspa Träning 20100904 04.09.2010 Orienteering training 04.09.2010 19:57
Mats Luspa Norska Mästerskapen i Ultralång distans 28.08.2010 Orienteering competition 29.08.2010 23:13
Mats Luspa Lång-KM IFK Kiruna 25.08.2010 Local orienteering competition 26.08.2010 17:11
Conny Nilimaa Lång-KM 25.08.2010 Training 26.08.2010 15:42
Mats Luspa DM Medeldistans 07.08.2010 Orienteering competition 10.04.2019 14:10
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 2010 08.08.2010 Orienteering competition 10.04.2019 14:11
Mats Luspa Egen träning på Nunisvaarabladet från 1978 01.08.2010 Orienteering training 05.08.2010 22:39
Mats Luspa Ultralång Laxforsen (egen träning) 25.07.2010 Orienteering training 25.07.2010 20:13
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars medeldistans 11.07.2010 Orienteering competition 19.07.2010 11:20
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars långdistans del 2 10.07.2010 Orienteering competition 19.07.2010 11:18
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars långdistans del 1 10.07.2010 Orienteering competition 19.07.2010 11:01
Rick McGregor NNM 2010 03.07.2010 Competition 14.07.2010 16:29
Mats Luspa Nordnorska Mästerskapen 03.07.2010 Orienteering competition 04.07.2010 13:50
Mats Luspa Jukola Sträcka 3 2010 20.06.2010 Orienteering competition 22.06.2010 23:30
Rick McGregor Jukola Relay 2010 20.06.2010 Competition 22.06.2010 22:16
Rick McGregor Laxforsen 2010-06-10 10.06.2010 Training event 22.06.2010 22:14
Conny Nilimaa Jukola Sträcka 7 20.06.2010 Competition 21.06.2010 16:12
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-KM 17.06.2010 Local orienteering competition 18.06.2010 16:01
Mats Luspa Jägarsprinten Sprint-KM 27.05.2010 Local orienteering competition 18.06.2010 11:13
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 20100612 12.06.2010 Orienteering competition 13.06.2010 21:50
Mats Luspa Tornionlaaksaon Rastipäivät 20100613 13.06.2010 Orienteering competition 13.06.2010 20:51
Mats Luspa KM Mellomdistanse Troms O-krets 05.06.2010 Orienteering competition 07.06.2010 21:16
Mats Luspa Vårtävling dag 2 23.05.2010 Orienteering competition 26.05.2010 11:11
Mats Luspa Vårtävling Dag 1 22.05.2010 Orienteering competition 26.05.2010 11:01
Mats Dahlberg test 19.12.2009 Competition 22.03.2010 20:38
Mats Luspa SkidO DM Lång Del 1 14.03.2010 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:53
Mats Luspa Skido DM Lång Del 2 14.03.2010 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:53
Mats Luspa SkidO-DM Medel 20100313 13.03.2010 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:53
Conny Nilimaa Sverigecup Del 3 05.01.2010 Training 07.01.2010 22:17
Conny Nilimaa Sverigecup Del 2 05.01.2010 Training 07.01.2010 22:17
Conny Nilimaa SkidO SM masstart Del 3 04.01.2010 Competition 07.01.2010 22:17
Conny Nilimaa SkidO SM masstart Del 2 04.01.2010 Competition 07.01.2010 22:16
Conny Nilimaa SkidO SM masstart Del 1 04.01.2010 Competition 07.01.2010 22:16
Mats Luspa SkiO Sprint-KM Final 27.12.2009 SkiO training 08.01.2019 11:54
Mats Luspa SkiO Sprint-KM Prolog 27.12.2009 SkiO training 08.01.2019 11:54
Mats Luspa Skidorientering Ylläs dag 1 28.11.2009 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:54
Mats Luspa Skidorientering Ylläs dag 2 29.11.2009 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:54
Mats Luspa Föreningskonferenssprintbana 21.11.2009 Orienteering training 25.11.2009 22:14
Mats Luspa Nukutusnatten 06.11.2009 Orienteering training 07.11.2009 01:13
Mats Luspa Avvakko own training course 18.10.2009 Orienteering training 18.10.2009 19:38
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 20090624 24.06.2009 Orienteering training 12.10.2009 12:15
Mats Luspa Rekning renstängsel på Luossavaara 11.10.2009 Rekning 12.10.2009 12:10
Mats Luspa IRF-Tårgran-Aptastoppen 09.10.2009 Orienteering training 10.10.2009 12:35
Mats Luspa Jägar17 28.09.2009 Orienteering training 28.09.2009 23:35
Mats Luspa Tvåtopparsrundan 25.09.2009 Orienteering training 26.09.2009 12:36
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 2 start-8 11.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:42
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 2 9-12 11.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:42
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 2 10-mål 11.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:42
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 1 start-12 10.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:42
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 1 14-mål 10.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:25
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 1 13-15 10.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:24
Mats Luspa WMOC 2007 kval 1 start-5 10.07.2007 Orienteering competition 23.09.2009 16:22
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-KM 19.06.2007 Local orienteering competition 23.09.2009 09:50
Mats Luspa Kort-KM 22.06.2004 Local orienteering competition 23.09.2009 09:44
Mats Luspa IFK Kiruna Långdistans-KM 09.08.2005 Local orienteering competition 23.09.2009 09:39
Mats Luspa IFK Kiruna Långdistans-KM 10.08.2004 Local orienteering competition 23.09.2009 09:36
Mats Luspa Sarkasvaara närtävling 18.06.2005 Local orienteering competition 23.09.2009 09:31
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 09.06.2007 Orienteering competition 22.09.2009 14:53
Mats Luspa BAIK Vårpremiär Långdistans 14.05.2006 Orienteering competition 22.09.2009 14:42
Mats Luspa BAIK Vårpremiär Medeldistans 13.05.2006 Orienteering competition 22.09.2009 14:42
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 11.06.2006 Orienteering competition 22.09.2009 14:37
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-DM 10.06.2006 Orienteering competition 22.09.2009 14:36
Mats Luspa Jukola 3:e sträckan del 1 17.06.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 18:26
Mats Luspa Jukola 3:e sträckan del 2 17.06.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 18:26
Mats Luspa WMOC final 6-10 13.07.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:40
Mats Luspa WMOC final 8-11 13.07.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:39
Mats Luspa WMOC final 11-17 13.07.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:37
Mats Luspa WMOC final start-1 13.07.2007 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:36
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Långdistans del 2 06.07.2008 Orienteering competition 22.03.2017 08:26
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Långdistans del 1 06.07.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:26
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Medeldistans 05.07.2008 Orienteering competition 22.03.2017 08:28
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Långdistans del 2 03.07.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:19
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Långdistans del 1 03.07.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:19
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Medeldistans del 2 02.07.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:19
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Medeldistans del 1 02.07.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:19
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars 09.07.2006 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:10
Mats Luspa BAIK Vårpremiär Långdistans del 2 16.05.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:07
Mats Luspa BAIK Vårpremiär Långdistans del 1 16.05.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:06
Mats Luspa BAIK Vårpremiär Medeldistans 15.05.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 17:04
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 14.09.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:56
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 3 05.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:48
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 2 05.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:48
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 1 05.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:45
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät Långdistans del 2 08.06.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:21
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät Långdistans del 1 08.06.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:20
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät Medeldistans 07.06.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:17
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 07.09.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:12
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 09.07.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:09
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 04.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:07
Mats Luspa Säivis Långdistans del 2 29.05.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:02
Mats Luspa Säivis Långdistans del 1 29.05.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:02
Mats Luspa Säivis Medeldistans 28.05.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 16:00
Mats Luspa Renlunken Långdistans 25.05.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:55
Mats Luspa Renlunken Medeldistans 24.05.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:53
Mats Luspa Piteå 2-dagars, Öppen 9 10.07.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:48
Mats Luspa OK Vargen Jubileumstävling Medeldistans 30.08.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:43
Mats Luspa OK Vargen Jubileumstävling Sprint 30.08.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:42
Mats Luspa NM Långdistans 26.09.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:36
Mats Luspa NM Medeldistans 25.09.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:34
Mats Luspa Bjerkvik Kretslöp Långdistans 24.08.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:27
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 2 06.09.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:24
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 1 06.09.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 15:23
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 2 30.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:29
Mats Luspa Natt-DM del 1 30.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:26
Mats Luspa Natt-DM 28.08.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:22
Mats Luspa Natt-KM Bardufosstun 10.09.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:19
Mats Luspa NM Medeldistans 24.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:15
Mats Luspa NM Långdistans del 2 25.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:14
Mats Luspa NM Långdistans del 1 25.09.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:13
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-DM 04.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:05
Mats Luspa Midnattsolsgaloppen etapp 2 del 2 29.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:00
Mats Luspa Midnattsolsgaloppen etapp 2 del 1 29.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:00
Mats Luspa Midnattsolsgaloppen etapp 1 28.06.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 14:00
Mats Luspa Storsteinnes KM Langdistans del 2 28.08.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 13:51
Mats Luspa Storsteinnes KM Langdistans del 1 28.08.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 13:51
Mats Luspa Långdistans-DM 05.08.2006 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 12:32
Mats Luspa Vårtävling, Långdistans 21.05.2006 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 12:09
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 4 13.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:36
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 3 13.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:35
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 2 13.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:34
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 1 13.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:34
Mats Luspa Kort-NM 10.08.2002 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:28
Mats Luspa Kort-DM 12.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:24
Mats Luspa Högåkersträffen del 2 04.07.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:10
Mats Luspa Högåkersträffen del 1 04.07.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:09
Mats Luspa DM Långdistans 20.08.2005 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:03
Mats Luspa DM 2002 Långdistans (vet inte datumet) 25.08.2002 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 11:01
Mats Luspa DM 1999 Långdistans (vet inte datumet) 02.08.1999 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:59
Mats Luspa Bjerkvik Kretslöp Medel 25.06.2004 Orienteering competition 08.09.2020 10:59
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskapen långdistans del 2 05.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:28
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskapen långdistans del 1 05.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:27
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskapen Medeldistans 06.06.2004 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:26
Mats Luspa ACO Rovaniemi Långdistans del 2 27.07.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:24
Mats Luspa ACO Rovaniemi Långdistans del 1 27.07.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:23
Mats Luspa ACO Rovaniemi Medel 26.07.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:19
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskapen långdistans 12.07.2003 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 10:05
Mats Luspa Barentsmästerskapen långdistans 15.07.1998 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 09:59
Mats Luspa Älvsby 2-dagars medeldistans 28.06.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 09:55
Mats Luspa Älvsby 2-dagars långdistans 29.06.2008 Orienteering competition 21.09.2009 09:54
Mats Luspa Älvsby Medeldistans 21.08.2004 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 18:05
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 18.08.2002 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:36
Mats Luspa Bardufosshaug 22.08.2004 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:21
Mats Luspa Finska Lapplandmästeskapen 14.08.2004 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:14
Mats Luspa Pinseria 31.05.2004 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:11
Mats Luspa DM Långdistans 07.08.2004 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:06
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars 08.07.2006 Orienteering competition 18.09.2009 17:00
Mats Luspa Långdistans-DM 22.08.2009 Orienteering competition 24.08.2009 20:52
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 1, Käcktjärn, Piteå 16.08.2009 Orienteering competition 24.08.2009 20:48
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM del 2, Käcktjärn, Piteå 16.08.2009 Orienteering competition 19.08.2009 13:08
Mats Luspa Lång-KM IFK Kiruna 11.08.2009 Orienteering competition 18.08.2009 23:15
Mats Luspa Finska Fjällorienteringen dag 2 09.08.2009 Orienteering competition 10.08.2009 15:15
Mats Luspa Finska Fjällorienteringen dag 1 08.08.2009 Orienteering competition 10.08.2009 13:44
Mats Luspa Vargluffen 02.08.2009 Orienteering competition 03.08.2009 23:34
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars dag 2 05.07.2009 Orienteering competition 02.08.2009 08:34
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi DM 1995 H21 14.07.2009 Orienteering training 14.07.2009 17:34
Mats Luspa Fyrtopparsrundan 11.07.2009 Orienteering training 13.07.2009 20:20
Mats Luspa Jägarskolan-Ädnamvaarastugan ToR 12.07.2009 Orienteering training 12.07.2009 18:34
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars dag 1 04.07.2009 Orienteering competition 11.07.2009 12:37
Conny Nilimaa Sverigeresan 02.07.2009 Competition 07.07.2009 23:30
Mats Luspa Sverigeresan 2009, Abisko 02.07.2009 Orienteering competition 03.07.2009 11:56
Mats Luspa Sverigeresan 2009, Harsprånget 01.07.2009 Orienteering competition 01.07.2009 22:13
Mats Luspa Jukola sträcka 3, 2009 14.06.2009 Orienteering competition 23.06.2024 19:22
Conny Nilimaa Jukola 13.06.2009 Competition 17.06.2009 16:54
Mats Luspa Tornedalens tvådagars dag 1 del 3 06.06.2009 Orienteering competition 08.06.2009 23:18
Mats Luspa Tornedalens tvådagars dag 2 07.06.2009 Orienteering competition 08.06.2009 22:54
Mats Luspa Tornedalens tvådagars dag 1 del 2 06.06.2009 Orienteering competition 08.06.2009 22:51
Mats Luspa Tornedalens tvådagars dag 1 del 1 06.06.2009 Orienteering competition 08.06.2009 22:49
Conny Nilimaa Västerbotten 3-dagars Etapp 3 31.05.2009 Competition 03.06.2009 14:40
Conny Nilimaa Västerbotten 3-dagars Etapp 2 30.05.2009 Competition 03.06.2009 14:39
Conny Nilimaa Västerbotten 3-dagars Etapp 1 29.05.2009 Competition 03.06.2009 14:25
Conny Nilimaa Träning 13.05.2009 Training 14.05.2009 14:59
Mats Luspa Finska Fjällorienteringen dag 2 10.08.2008 Orienteering competition 13.01.2009 13:39
Mats Luspa Finska Fjällorienteringen dag 1 del 2 09.08.2008 Orienteering competition 13.01.2009 13:35
Mats Luspa Finska Fjällorienteringen dag 1 del 1 09.08.2008 Orienteering competition 13.01.2009 13:31
Mats Luspa Natt-DM 28.09.2024 Orienteering competition 01.10.2024 01:40
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens avslutning 21.09.2024 Orienteering training 21.09.2024 14:58
Mats Luspa Mattonatten 17.09.2024 Orienteering training 20.09.2024 14:14
Mats Luspa Jonas Larsons minne 31.08.2024 Orienteering competition 31.08.2024 16:12
Mats Luspa Barents Games publiktävling 25.08.2024 Orienteering competition 25.08.2024 18:44
Mats Luspa Barents Games publiktävling 24.08.2024 Orienteering competition 30.08.2024 17:30
Mats Luspa Träning 20.08.2024 Orienteering training 30.08.2024 17:29
Mats Luspa KM Seskarö IF & OK Vargen & Haparanda OK 10.08.2024 Orienteering training 11.08.2024 10:45
Mats Luspa WMOC 2024 Long Final 09.08.2024 Orienteering competition 09.08.2024 17:38
Mats Luspa WMOC Middle Final 07.08.2024 Orienteering competition 07.08.2024 20:49
Mats Luspa Model Event Forest Q & Middle F 05.08.2024 Orienteering training 05.08.2024 15:37
Mats Luspa WMOC Sprint Final 04.08.2024 Orienteering competition 04.08.2024 16:58
Mats Luspa Egen träning Moskoj 24.07.2024 Orienteering training 24.07.2024 18:58
Mats Luspa Olostunturin keskimatka (Olosfjällets medeldistans) 23.07.2024 Orienteering competition 24.07.2024 20:32
Mats Luspa Koillismaan Rastipävät dag 2 14.07.2024 Orienteering competition 14.07.2024 12:06
Mats Luspa Koillismaan Rastipävät dag 1 13.07.2024 Orienteering competition 13.07.2024 15:50
Mats Luspa Iltarasti (Kvällskontrollen) KEV 12.07.2024 Orienteering training 13.07.2024 08:01
Mats Luspa Renlunken Lång 07.07.2024 Orienteering competition 07.07.2024 20:57
Mats Luspa Renlunken Medel 06.07.2024 Orienteering competition 06.07.2024 16:53
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi 23.06.2024 Orienteering training 23.06.2024 20:05
Mats Luspa BAIK förlängd sprint 02.03.2024 SkiO competition 16.03.2024 10:10
Mats Luspa Dundretfighten 17.02.2024 SkiO competition 17.02.2024 18:27
Mats Luspa Kuusamon Erä-Veikot Nyårsskidorientering 31.12.2023 SkiO competition 31.12.2023 16:02
Mats Luspa Kuusamon Erä-Veikot Nyårsskidorientering 30.12.2023 SkiO competition 30.12.2023 19:35
Mats Luspa Ensilumen Rastit 02.12.2023 SkiO competition 02.12.2023 18:00
Mats Luspa Skogskarlsmästerskap för Norra Botten 07.10.2023 Orienteering competition 08.10.2023 07:03
Mats Luspa Träning Luossa 14.09.2023 Orienteering training 15.09.2023 12:02
Mats Luspa Natt-DM 09.09.2023 Orienteering competition 10.09.2023 07:24
Mats Luspa Bergnäsets AIK:s hösttävlingar medeldistans 26.08.2023 Orienteering competition 26.08.2023 15:00
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 10.08.2023 Orienteering training 12.08.2023 08:48
Mats Luspa Sarkasvaara-träning 27.07.2023 Orienteering training 27.07.2023 17:44
Mats Luspa Koillismaan Rastipävät Keskimatka 23.07.2023 Orienteering competition 23.07.2023 12:56
Mats Luspa Koillismaan Rastipäivät Pitkämatka 22.07.2023 Orienteering competition 22.07.2023 18:56
Mats Luspa Koillismaan Rastipäivät Sprintti 21.07.2023 Orienteering competition 22.07.2023 15:24
Mats Luspa "Närtävling" Olostunturi, Muonio 15.07.2023 Orienteering competition 20.07.2023 18:42
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 09.07.2023 Orienteering competition 09.07.2023 21:53
Mats Luspa OK Renen Medeldistans 08.07.2023 Orienteering competition 08.07.2023 19:42
Mats Luspa Träning Kurravaara (andra försöket) 05.07.2023 Orienteering training 05.07.2023 19:17
Mats Luspa Swedish League Publiktävlingar 18.05.2023 Orienteering competition 19.05.2023 09:53
Mats Luspa Långdistans-DM 01.04.2023 SkiO competition 01.04.2023 22:22
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 26.03.2023 SkiO competition 26.03.2023 19:30
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 25.03.2023 SkiO competition 25.03.2023 15:10
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 24.03.2023 SkiO competition 24.03.2023 20:46
Mats Luspa NOF-Cup 11.03.2023 SkiO competition 19.03.2023 17:15
Mats Luspa Nunisnatten 08.10.2022 Orienteering training 08.10.2022 22:41
Mats Luspa Natt-DM 24.09.2022 Orienteering competition 25.09.2022 11:10
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 24.09.2022 Orienteering training 25.09.2022 10:47
Mats Luspa Aptas IRF 13.09.2022 Orienteering training 14.09.2022 13:28
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 28.08.2022 Orienteering competition 29.08.2022 08:06
Mats Luspa Medel-DM 27.08.2022 Orienteering competition 27.08.2022 19:33
Mats Luspa Träning Nukutus 23.08.2022 Orienteering training 23.08.2022 21:06
Mats Luspa Träning 16.08.2022 Orienteering training 17.08.2022 11:03
Mats Luspa Särkitievat 16k 11.08.2022 Orienteering training 11.08.2022 23:37
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 5 30.07.2022 Orienteering competition 02.08.2022 10:02
Mats Luspa OOCUP dag 5 21.07.2022 Orienteering competition 21.07.2022 15:48
Mats Luspa OOCUP dag 4 20.07.2022 Orienteering training 20.07.2022 19:16
Mats Luspa OOCUP dag 3 19.07.2022 Orienteering competition 19.07.2022 20:17
Mats Luspa OOCUP dag 1 17.07.2022 Orienteering competition 21.07.2022 21:28
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Långdistans 02.07.2022 Orienteering competition 02.07.2022 18:14
Mats Luspa Träning 22.06.2022 Orienteering training 24.06.2022 08:47
Mats Luspa Jukola 19.06.2022 Orienteering competition 20.06.2022 12:53
Mats Luspa Nationaldagsmedeln 06.06.2022 Orienteering competition 06.06.2022 21:13
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn dag 2 29.05.2022 Orienteering competition 29.05.2022 19:11
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn dag 1 28.05.2022 Orienteering competition 29.05.2022 19:13
Mats Luspa Medel H45 05.03.2022 SkiO competition 06.03.2022 09:01
Mats Luspa Lång-DM H45 27.02.2022 SkiO competition 28.02.2022 10:39
Mats Luspa Jokkmokk 08.01.2022 SkiO training 08.01.2022 19:48
Mats Luspa Jokkmokk SkidO 07.01.2022 SkiO training 07.01.2022 19:28
Mats Luspa Genrep inför Jokkmokk-tävlingarna 02.01.2022 SkiO training 02.01.2022 20:23
Mats Luspa SkidO på Matto 17.12.2021 Orienteering training 17.12.2021 19:39
Conny Nilimaa Natt-DM 25.09.2021 Competition 27.09.2021 21:20
Mats Luspa Natt-DM H50 25.09.2021 Orienteering competition 27.09.2021 13:28
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 25.09.2021 Orienteering competition 25.09.2021 18:08
Mats Luspa Nattträning OK Sarven 22.09.2021 Orienteering training 22.09.2021 23:52
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering IFK Kiruna 14.09.2021 Orienteering training 16.09.2021 07:39
Mats Luspa Särkitievat 11 km 11.09.2021 Orienteering training 16.09.2021 07:40
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering läger 07.09.2021 Orienteering training 08.09.2021 12:32
Mats Luspa Intagning Naturpasskontroller 29.08.2021 Orienteering training 29.08.2021 19:46
Mats Luspa Träning IFK Kiruna 24.08.2021 Orienteering training 25.08.2021 05:57
Mats Luspa Napapiiri-Jukola 2021 Rovaniemi str. 2 21.08.2021 Orienteering competition 29.09.2021 06:16
Mats Luspa Kiruna 2-dagars lång 08.08.2021 Orienteering training 08.08.2021 17:35
Mats Luspa Norrbottens 5-dagars light etapp 5 31.07.2021 Orienteering competition 31.07.2021 18:05
Mats Luspa Norrbottens 5-dagars light etapp 4 30.07.2021 Orienteering competition 31.07.2021 06:43
Mats Luspa Norrbottens 5-dagars light etapp 1 26.07.2021 Orienteering competition 27.07.2021 09:33
Mats Luspa Särkitievat 11 km 13.07.2021 Orienteering training 13.07.2021 21:19
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars Medeldistans H50 11.07.2021 Orienteering competition 19.07.2021 20:06
Mats Luspa Esrange NOF/ÄFH träning 05.07.2021 Orienteering training 05.07.2021 20:23
Mats Luspa OK Sarven Veckans bana Vassaravaara 21.11.2020 Orienteering training 21.11.2020 16:27
Mats Luspa Bjerkvikträning 12.09.2020 Orienteering training 12.09.2020 22:31
Mats Luspa Ultralång DM-substitut 23.08.2020 Orienteering training 23.08.2020 20:02
Mats Luspa DM Medel H50 22.08.2020 Orienteering competition 22.08.2020 18:19
Mats Luspa Kurravaara Motionsorientering 20.08.2020 Orienteering training 21.08.2020 08:49
Mats Luspa Nilivaara Motionsorientering 16.08.2020 Orienteering training 16.08.2020 15:55
Mats Luspa OK Vargens Närtävling Lantjärv 08.08.2020 Orienteering competition 08.08.2020 17:50
Mats Luspa Särkitieva testlöpning 29.07.2020 Orienteering training 29.07.2020 20:54
Mats Luspa Gränskontrollen 28.07.2020 Orienteering training 04.08.2020 08:15
Mats Luspa Naturpasset Dundret 20.07.2020 Orienteering training 21.07.2020 08:50
Mats Luspa Sommarträning i Moskojärvi 07.07.2020 Orienteering training 07.07.2020 19:45
Mats Luspa Piteå Lång-DM H50 05.07.2020 Orienteering competition 05.07.2020 19:56
Mats Luspa Piteå Medeldistans H50 04.07.2020 Orienteering competition 04.07.2020 18:57
Mats Luspa Bergnäset Medel H21 15.03.2020 SkiO competition 15.03.2020 21:46
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS Träning del 4 29.02.2020 SkiO training 01.03.2020 11:25
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS Träning del 3 29.02.2020 SkiO training 01.03.2020 11:24
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS Träning del 1 29.02.2020 SkiO training 01.03.2020 11:52
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS Träning del 2 29.02.2020 SkiO training 01.03.2020 11:23
Mats Luspa Nyårsmedeln 28.12.2019 SkiO competition 02.01.2020 07:57
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 28.12.2019 SkiO competition 28.12.2019 22:36
Mats Luspa Ensilumen Rastit Middle distance 08.12.2019 SkiO competition 09.12.2019 21:15
Mats Luspa Ensilumen Rastit 07.12.2019 SkiO competition 08.12.2019 07:55
Mats Luspa Sodankylä Laverastit Avslutning 25.09.2019 Orienteering training 26.09.2019 05:57
Mats Luspa OK Sarven träningsorientering 09.09.2019 Orienteering training 10.09.2019 11:17
Mats Luspa Natt-DM 07.09.2019 Orienteering competition 09.09.2019 15:06
Mats Luspa Kontroll- och snitselinplockning 31.08.2019 Orienteering training 31.08.2019 19:06
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 25.08.2019 Orienteering competition 25.08.2019 21:06
Mats Luspa Medeldistans-DM 24.08.2019 Orienteering competition 24.08.2019 21:04
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering OK Sarven 19.08.2019 Orienteering training 19.08.2019 21:28
Mats Luspa NM Sprint 09.08.2019 Orienteering competition 09.08.2019 22:58
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens träning 05.08.2019 Orienteering training 06.08.2019 09:23
Mats Luspa WMOC Long Final 12.07.2019 Orienteering competition 12.07.2019 18:49
Mats Luspa WMOC Middle Final 10.07.2019 Orienteering competition 10.07.2019 22:02
Mats Luspa WMOC Forest Qualification 09.07.2019 Orienteering competition 10.07.2019 22:11
Mats Luspa Model Event WMOC 08.07.2019 Orienteering training 08.07.2019 19:51
Mats Luspa WMOC Sprint Final 07.07.2019 Orienteering competition 07.07.2019 20:02
Mats Luspa WMOC Sprintkval 06.07.2019 Orienteering competition 06.07.2019 15:57
Mats Luspa Renlunken 29.06.2019 Orienteering competition 29.06.2019 19:36
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 3 23.06.2019 Orienteering competition 23.06.2019 20:23
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 2 22.06.2019 Orienteering competition 22.06.2019 22:32
Mats Luspa Midnattsolgaloppen dag 1 21.06.2019 Orienteering competition 22.06.2019 12:54
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 2 09.06.2019 Orienteering competition 09.06.2019 20:32
Mats Luspa Bodens BK OS vårtävling långdistans 01.06.2019 Orienteering competition 02.06.2019 19:48
Mats Luspa Veteran-VM H50 Långdistans (WMSOC M50 Long) 21.03.2019 SkiO competition 26.03.2019 07:58
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 10.03.2019 SkiO competition 10.03.2019 18:20
Hasse Ylipää Lapin Luumirastit 10.03.2019 Competition 10.03.2019 18:03
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 09.03.2019 SkiO competition 09.03.2019 14:35
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 08.03.2019 SkiO competition 08.03.2019 18:43
Mats Luspa Extra träning efter Sprint-DM 10.02.2019 SkiO training 10.02.2019 19:32
Mats Luspa DM H50 Medel Del 2 09.02.2019 SkiO competition 10.02.2019 19:16
Mats Luspa DM H50 Medel Del 1 09.02.2019 SkiO competition 10.02.2019 19:15
Mats Luspa Övertorneå NOF-cup inställd 19.01.2019 SkiO training 19.01.2019 21:08
Mats Luspa Loppiaishisu Ylitornio Long 06.01.2019 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:45
Mats Luspa Loppiaishisu Ylitornio Sprint 05.01.2019 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:45
Mats Luspa Egen träning Moskojärvi 14.10.2018 Orienteering training 15.10.2018 14:58
Mats Luspa Idrottens dag/2k Nybörjare 19.09.2018 Orienteering training 21.09.2018 12:49
Mats Luspa Rogain avslutning 19.09.2018 Orienteering training 21.09.2018 12:52
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens avslutning 16.09.2018 Orienteering training 17.09.2018 07:35
Mats Luspa Luossa träning 12.09.2018 Orienteering training 12.09.2018 20:13
Mats Luspa Träning 28.08.2018 Orienteering training 28.08.2018 20:52
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM 26.08.2018 Orienteering competition 26.08.2018 19:41
Mats Luspa Sprint Vittjärvs 2-dagars 24.08.2018 Orienteering competition 25.08.2018 08:23
Mats Luspa Stafett DM 19.08.2018 Orienteering competition 19.08.2018 19:07
Mats Luspa DM Lång 18.08.2018 Orienteering competition 19.08.2018 18:39
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 14.08.2018 Orienteering training 15.08.2018 13:04
Mats Luspa Naturpasset OK Sarven 11.08.2018 Orienteering training 11.08.2018 20:14
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens Träningsorientering 06.08.2018 Orienteering training 06.08.2018 21:55
Mats Luspa WMOC H50-A Long final 13.07.2018 Orienteering competition 13.07.2018 16:38
Mats Luspa Model Event Long WMOC2018 12.07.2018 Orienteering training 12.07.2018 20:21
Mats Luspa WMOC Middle Final H50-A 11.07.2018 Orienteering competition 12.07.2018 20:19
Mats Luspa WMOC 2018 Forest Qualification M50-1 10.07.2018 Orienteering competition 11.07.2018 22:16
Mats Luspa Sprintkval WMOC2018 H50 07.07.2018 Orienteering competition 07.07.2018 22:01
Mats Luspa Egen träning Naturpasset Kurravaara 30.06.2018 Orienteering training 30.06.2018 19:06
Mats Luspa Esrange-Leppäkoski 22.06.2018 Orienteering training 22.06.2018 17:06
Mats Luspa Jukola str. 2 16.06.2018 Orienteering competition 19.06.2018 10:55
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 12.06.2018 Orienteering training 12.06.2018 20:38
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 09.06.2018 Orienteering competition 09.06.2018 17:40
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn vårtävling dag 2 27.05.2018 Orienteering competition 27.05.2018 20:22
Mats Luspa Älvsby vårtävling dag 1 26.05.2018 Orienteering competition 26.05.2018 14:56
Mats Luspa Bergnäsets Vårtävlingar För-USM 20.05.2018 Orienteering competition 22.05.2018 14:08
Mats Luspa Vårtävling För-USM 19.05.2018 Orienteering competition 19.05.2018 19:20
Mats Luspa Sprintcupen Gammelstad 18.05.2018 Orienteering competition 19.05.2018 00:10
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Medeldistans H50 01.04.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa DM Lång H50, Skidorientering 10.03.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:47
Mats Luspa Skidorientering Övertorneå 06.01.2018 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:46
Mats Luspa Kontrollplockning 08.10.2017 Orienteering training 08.10.2017 20:10
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Luossa 07.09.2017 Orienteering training 07.09.2017 21:01
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM H45 27.08.2017 Orienteering competition 29.08.2017 10:25
Mats Luspa DM Medeldistans H45 26.08.2017 Orienteering competition 26.08.2017 21:56
Mats Luspa Laxforsen Korridor 11.08.2017 Orienteering training 11.08.2017 20:54
Mats Luspa OK Sarven träningsorientering 07.08.2017 Orienteering training 08.08.2017 09:36
Mats Luspa Koillisman Rastipävät 22/7 22.07.2017 Orienteering competition 23.07.2017 18:15
Mats Luspa OK Sarvens Trimorientering 07.07.2017 Orienteering training 08.07.2017 22:00
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Moskojärvi 04.07.2017 Orienteering training 04.07.2017 20:31
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 2, Långdistans 11.06.2017 Orienteering competition 12.06.2017 09:09
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit Erikoispitkä / Ultralång H45 25.03.2017 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:49
Mats Luspa Skigo Cup Boden Lång 18.03.2017 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:48
Mats Luspa Loppiaishisut 06.01.2017 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:48
Mats Luspa Skidorienteringsträning Matto 30.12.2016 SkiO training 08.01.2019 12:14
Mats Luspa Poängorientering avslutning orienteringssäsongen Kiruna 15.09.2016 Orienteering training 15.09.2016 20:08
Mats Luspa Lite Kärkevagge 27.08.2016 Orienteering training 28.08.2016 13:44
Mats Luspa Långdistansfinal WMOC 2016 13.08.2016 Orienteering competition 13.08.2016 20:31
Mats Luspa Träning WMOC 2016 12.08.2016 Orienteering training 12.08.2016 19:48
Mats Luspa Långdistanskval 2, WMOC2016 11.08.2016 Orienteering competition 11.08.2016 17:47
Mats Luspa Model Event WMOC2016 09.08.2016 Orienteering training 09.08.2016 15:05
Mats Luspa Kurravaarafjället 01.08.2016 Orienteering training 01.08.2016 20:53
Mats Luspa Sprintträning Laxforsen 24.07.2016 Orienteering training 24.07.2016 15:09
Mats Luspa Orienteringsdistanspass 20.07.2016 Orienteering training 20.07.2016 19:27
Mats Luspa Vittjärvs 2-dagars dag 2 H45 10.07.2016 Orienteering competition 10.07.2016 18:26
Mats Luspa Motionsorientering Ursvik 30.06.2016 Local orienteering competition 30.06.2016 21:10
Mats Luspa Jukola 2016 str. 3 19.06.2016 Orienteering competition 21.06.2016 14:07
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät dag 2 12.06.2016 Orienteering competition 13.06.2016 12:18
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Kurravaara 09.06.2016 Orienteering training 10.06.2016 15:48
Mats Luspa Renlunken Långdistans 28.05.2016 Orienteering competition 29.05.2016 19:17
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn vårtävling Långdistans 22.05.2016 Orienteering competition 22.05.2016 19:53
Mats Luspa Veteran-SM SkidO H45 Långdistans 20.03.2016 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:50
Mats Luspa OK Renen SkidO dag 2 24.01.2016 SkiO competition 08.01.2019 11:49
Mats Luspa Orienteringsavslutning Rogaining 17.09.2015 Orienteering training 18.09.2015 19:21
Mats Luspa Lång-DM Älvsbyn 15.08.2015 Orienteering competition 15.08.2015 23:55
Mats Luspa Finska fjällorienteringen dag 1 01.08.2015 Orienteering competition 01.08.2015 19:58
Mats Luspa Egen träning i Svappavaara 25.07.2015 Orienteering training 30.07.2015 19:02
Mats Luspa Iltarastit / Kvällskontrollen 22.07.2015 Local orienteering competition 30.07.2015 12:54
Mats Luspa Moskojärvi egen träning 21.07.2015 Orienteering training 21.07.2015 17:46
Mats Luspa Egen träning Luossa Naturpasskontroller 09.07.2015 Orienteering training 09.07.2015 17:46
Mats Luspa Laxforsen träning 23.06.2015 Orienteering training 23.06.2015 20:58
Mats Luspa Jukola långa natten sträcka 3 14.06.2015 Orienteering competition 20.06.2015 09:37
Mats Luspa Renlunken, lång 31.05.2015 Orienteering competition 21.07.2021 15:23
Mats Luspa Jukola 15.06.2014 Orienteering competition 16.06.2014 14:48
Mats Luspa Sprint Järnvägsparken 26.05.2014 Orienteering training 31.05.2014 21:44
Mats Luspa Medeldistans Polarvåren, Älvsbyn 31.05.2014 Orienteering competition 31.05.2014 20:39
Mats Luspa Silva League, H45 24.05.2014 Orienteering competition 24.05.2014 18:24
Conny Nilimaa SkidO DM Lång + Skigo Cup 5 Del 1 08.02.2014 Competition 03.03.2014 19:25
Mats Luspa Östra Nattserien Övertorneå 04.10.2013 Local orienteering competition 08.10.2013 08:53
Mats Luspa Distriktstävling Övertorneå 14.09.2013 Orienteering competition 16.09.2013 12:18
Mats Luspa Luossa Natt 06.09.2013 Orienteering training 06.09.2013 23:53
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM, H40 04.08.2013 Orienteering competition 04.08.2013 19:35
Mats Luspa Bergens IF träning 01.08.2013 Orienteering training 02.08.2013 00:21
Mats Luspa Korridor Moskojärvi 30.07.2013 Orienteering training 30.07.2013 15:04
Mats Luspa O-Ringen etapp 5, H45 26.07.2013 Orienteering competition 27.07.2013 10:34
Mats Luspa Vittjåkkstävlingen 13.07.2013 Orienteering competition 13.07.2013 17:09
Mats Luspa Egen träning Luspavaara 06.07.2013 Orienteering training 06.07.2013 16:00
Mats Luspa Midnattsolsgaloppen dag 2 30.06.2013 Orienteering competition 01.07.2013 09:06
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Luossa 25.06.2013 Orienteering training 28.06.2013 19:11
Mats Luspa Naturpasset i ett svep 21.06.2013 Orienteering training 21.06.2013 20:32
Conny Nilimaa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 08.06.2013 Competition 10.06.2013 16:17
Mats Luspa Tornionlaakson Rastipäivät 09.06.2013 Orienteering competition 09.06.2013 17:35
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn Polarvåren Medeldistans 25.05.2013 Orienteering competition 27.05.2013 20:59
Mats Luspa Vårvändan medeldistans 18.05.2013 Orienteering competition 18.05.2013 16:22
Mats Luspa Provlöpning orienteringsavslutning 2012 20.09.2012 Orienteering training 21.09.2012 13:39
Mats Luspa Träning Nukutus 13.09.2012 Orienteering training 14.09.2012 07:36
Mats Luspa Lång-NM 12.08.2012 Orienteering competition 12.08.2012 22:32
Mats Luspa Norrlandsmästerskap Medeldistans 11.08.2012 Orienteering competition 12.08.2012 22:29
Mats Luspa Ultralång-DM H40 05.08.2012 Orienteering competition 05.08.2012 22:04
Mats Luspa Jukola 17.06.2012 Orienteering competition 19.06.2012 19:04

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Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification - GPS 1 Rick McGregor 17.09.2021 14:54
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint final 1 Rick McGregor 17.09.2021 01:22
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification 1 Rick McGregor 17.09.2021 01:18
Rick McGregor WMOC sprint final 1 Rick McGregor 16.09.2021 23:09
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 1 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:40
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 2 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:39
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 3 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:39
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 4 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:38
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 5 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:37
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 6 1 Rick 14.09.2021 22:36