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IFK Kiruna Map Archive

Welcome to the IFK Kiruna digital orienteering map archive!


Name Maps Last map Date Updated
Henry Barsk 1 Jukola 2015 str6 14/06/2015 24/06/2015 10:50
Niklas Barsk 3 Veckans bana v22 12/07/2015 12/07/2015 22:48
Mats Dahlberg 1 test 19/12/2009 22/03/2010 20:38
Mats Luspa 639 Luleålången tillika Lång-DM 02/02/2025 02/02/2025 20:07
Rick McGregor 135 DM-medel Norrbotten 17/08/2024 24/08/2024 12:00
Conny Nilimaa 95 NOF-cup 1 varv 2 14/01/2023 15/01/2023 13:52
Hasse Ylipää 21 Träningsol HOK 16/07/2019 21/07/2019 19:46

Last maps 10 | 20 | 50 | all

Name Map Date Category Updated
Mats Luspa Luleålången tillika Lång-DM 02/02/2025 SkiO competition 02/02/2025 20:07
Mats Luspa Träning Övertorneå 11/01/2025 SkiO training 11/01/2025 20:16
Mats Luspa Älvsbyn Indoor Orientering Challenge 10/11/2024 Orienteering competition 11/11/2024 05:56
Mats Luspa Skogskarlsmästerskap för Norra Botten 05/10/2024 Orienteering competition 06/10/2024 19:40
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 28/09/2024 Orienteering competition 28/09/2024 23:35
Mats Luspa Natträning Varggropen 10/09/2024 Orienteering training 11/09/2024 07:41
Mats Luspa Klöverkavlen 01/09/2024 Orienteering competition 01/09/2024 20:51
Mats Luspa Träning 27/08/2024 Orienteering training 27/08/2024 20:35
Rick McGregor DM-medel Norrbotten 17/08/2024 Competition 24/08/2024 12:00
Mats Luspa WMOC Forest Qualification 06/08/2024 Orienteering competition 06/08/2024 18:30
Mats Luspa WMOC 2024 Sprint Q 03/08/2024 Orienteering competition 03/08/2024 15:32
Mats Luspa Model Event Sprint WMOC 02/08/2024 Orienteering training 02/08/2024 21:58
Rick McGregor Bergnäsets vårtävling lång 25/05/2024 Competition 18/07/2024 16:51
Rick McGregor Bergnäsets vårtävling medel 26/05/2024 Competition 18/07/2024 16:41
Rick McGregor IFK Kiruna training event - Naturpassetuppstart 04/06/2024 Training event 18/07/2024 16:24
Rick McGregor Nationaldagsmedeln 06/06/2024 Competition 18/07/2024 16:09
Rick McGregor Jukola relay 16/06/2024 Competition 18/07/2024 15:50
Rick McGregor Renlunken 07/07/2024 Competition 15/07/2024 14:45
Mats Luspa Nukutus träning 02/07/2024 Orienteering training 02/07/2024 21:13
Mats Luspa Seskarö Jubileumstävling (50 år) 29/06/2024 Orienteering competition 29/06/2024 19:08
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering 26/06/2024 Orienteering training 27/06/2024 20:45
Mats Luspa Paulujärvi 2024 22/06/2024 Orienteering training 22/06/2024 20:05
Mats Luspa Lakia-Jukola 15/06/2024 Orienteering competition 18/06/2024 19:28
Mats Luspa Nationaldagsmedeln 06/06/2024 Orienteering competition 06/06/2024 22:09
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 24/03/2024 SkiO competition 27/03/2024 20:55
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 23/03/2024 SkiO competition 27/03/2024 20:51
Mats Luspa Lapin Lumirastit 22/03/2024 SkiO competition 27/03/2024 20:45
Mats Luspa Seskarö Medel 17/03/2024 SkiO competition 17/03/2024 21:32
Mats Luspa Seskarö Sprint-DM 17/03/2024 SkiO competition 17/03/2024 21:20
Mats Luspa BAIK medel 02/03/2024 SkiO competition 16/03/2024 10:10
Mats Luspa Dundretfighten 18/02/2024 SkiO competition 16/03/2024 10:10
Rick McGregor Craigavon SummerNav 14/12/2023 Training event 14/12/2023 23:50
Rick McGregor Robinson Road training controls 08/12/2023 Training 10/12/2023 23:17
Rick McGregor SummerNav Cornwall Park 07/12/2023 Training event 08/12/2023 00:02
Mats Luspa Ensilumen Rastit 03/12/2023 Orienteering competition 03/12/2023 20:08
Mats Luspa Sprint-DM 09/09/2023 Orienteering competition 09/09/2023 19:18
Mats Luspa Luossa träningsorientering 05/09/2023 Orienteering training 06/09/2023 20:51
Rick McGregor DM-stafett Norrbotten H115 06/08/2023 Competition 28/08/2023 15:30
Rick McGregor DM-natt Norrbotten 24/09/2022 Competition 28/08/2023 15:11
Rick McGregor BAIK hösttävling lång 27/08/2023 Competition 28/08/2023 13:31
Rick McGregor BAIK medel 26/08/2023 Competition 28/08/2023 13:18
Mats Luspa Bergnäsets AIK Hösttävlingar Långdistans H45 (DM) 27/08/2023 Orienteering competition 27/08/2023 18:51
Mats Luspa Träningsorientering Kurravaara 22/08/2023 Orienteering training 22/08/2023 22:01
Mats Luspa Stafett-DM 06/08/2023 Orienteering competition 06/08/2023 22:14
Mats Luspa Långdistans-DM 05/08/2023 Orienteering competition 05/08/2023 14:57
Mats Luspa Paulujärvi-träning 26/07/2023 Orienteering training 26/07/2023 20:26
Mats Luspa Träning IFK Kiruna 04/07/2023 Orienteering training 05/07/2023 07:19
Mats Luspa Nationaldagsmedeln 06/06/2023 Orienteering competition 04/07/2023 15:06
Mats Luspa Tiomila-träning 19/05/2023 Orienteering training 19/05/2023 22:05
Mats Luspa NOF-Cup 12/03/2023 Orienteering competition 19/03/2023 17:13

Last commented maps 10 | 20 | 50 | all

Name Map Comments Last comment by Updated
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification - GPS 1 Rick McGregor 17/09/2021 14:54
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint final 1 Rick McGregor 17/09/2021 01:22
Rick McGregor WMOC 2017 sprint qualification 1 Rick McGregor 17/09/2021 01:18
Rick McGregor WMOC sprint final 1 Rick McGregor 16/09/2021 23:09
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 1 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:40
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 2 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:39
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 3 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:39
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 4 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:38
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 5 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:37
Rick McGregor Highland 99 Day 6 1 Rick 14/09/2021 22:36